The Small Funders Peer Group brings together Colorado foundations with a small number of staff to build relationships, share best practices and resources, discuss common opportunities and challenges, and learn/brainstorm around topics of interest.
The Small Funders Peer Group brings together Colorado foundations with a small number of staff to build relationships, share best practices and resources, discuss common opportunities and challenges, and learn/brainstorm around topics of interest.
The Rural Funders Learning Network (RFLN) addresses pressing, systemic issues in rural regions that share challenges - affordable housing, economic distress, limited access to healthcare and childcare, and community cohesion, to name a few.
Leading Locally will be an informative, engaging, and energizing event to help you develop practical skills and connect with your peers on the issues that matter to you.
Join the conference kick-off and breakfast plenary as we answer the question: What does crisis response illuminate about the best of humanity and philanthropy? In the face of compounding crises, funders in Colorado are catalyzing local solutions.
The Impact Investing Forum provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colorado members with an active interest in sharing and learning about impact investing trends and emerging models.
Youth mental health in Colorado has continued to decline in the two years since Children’s Hospital in May 2021 declared a “State of Emergency.” Consider these facts:
The Policy Funders Group convenes foundation staff that lead advocacy & policy efforts for their member organizations - or are launching advocacy & policy work.
Please join your Philanthropy Colorado colleagues for a briefing on the ramifications of the expiration of the COVID-19 “public health emergency” declaration on May 11, 2023.
Philanthropy Colorado will host a virtual meeting for funders investing their resources (staff, expertise, funds) in the San Luis Valley.
Join funder colleagues focused on early childhood education to learn about new developments and share approaches and opportunities for collaboration. Chairs: Laura Carlson (Buell Foundation) and Mara Holiday (Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation).
The Foundation Finance Group provides a supportive environment to share knowledge and resources about topics related to foundation finance management.
The Newcomers Fund at Rose Community Foundation was launched to mobilize philanthropic support for the more than 6,000 migrants who have arrived in the Greater Denver community since December 2022 after fleeing unrest in South and Central America.
Join us to hear from colleagues in the field about how they approach equity conversations by starting with a focus on belonging and quality of life. Asking the question, "Does everyone in our community feel as though they belong?" has proven to be
Please join the Executive Admin peer group for an afternoon of community and connection. We would like to invite new and current members to join us.
This meeting will be held at Rose Community Foundation and lunch will be provided.
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
The Arts & Culture Funders Group provides a space for funders across the state to share projects, creative funding approaches, and opportunities to collaborate.
Philanthropy Colorado hosts quarterly virtual convenings for its Community Foundation CEO Network to network and discuss top-of-mind issues and operations.
Climate Equity: Part I
This IT Roundtable peer group will be a presentation on the 'Top 5 Cyber Insurance Requirements' and will be held at the Daniels Fund with lunch provided.