The December meeting of the Impact Investing Forum will be held in person in Denver with a virtual option available.
The December meeting of the Impact Investing Forum will be held in person in Denver with a virtual option available.
We Serve People, Not Trends. Too often, we see the people we serve treated as trendy investments. We must not allow ourselves to fall into this trap and work to ensure that our community-centered design and giving is not extractive.
The Policy Funders Group convenes foundation staff that lead advocacy & policy efforts for their member organizations - or are interested in developing advocacy & policy work.
Philanthropy Colorado will be hosting its Annual Meeting and Board Elections virtually this year to allow all members to attend from throughout the state. Please join Philanthropy Colorado and our members for board and officer elections and an upd
Ready to take your organization’s racial equity commitment to the next level? Please be a part of Philanthropy Colorado’s Trust-Based Philanthropy with a Racial Equity Lens (TBP Racial Equity) Cohort.
Philanthropy Colorado hosts bi-monthly meetings for funders investing their resources (staff, expertise, funds) in the San Luis Valley.
A five-part introductory series for those newer to philanthropy.
Join funder colleagues focused on early childhood education to learn about new developments and share approaches and opportunities for collaboration.
Join us for a happy hour with snacks at the Bonfils Stanton Foundation.
The Philanthropy Colorado Executive Admin Peer Group is designed for executive admin staff and others who support senior-level executives.
Join Philanthropy Colorado's Rural Funders Learning Network and Colorado Community College System for an exchange with Presidents of rural community and junior colleges who are offering post-secondary, workforce educational opportunities across ou
Broadband access has an impact on nearly every part of our lives from education to employment to essential services and is increasingly recognized as a "super determinant" of health.
Philanthropy Colorado hosts quarterly conference calls for its Community Foundation CEO Network to network and discuss top-of-mind issues.
Evaluation of Equity Goals and Indicators. We often emphasize the importance of equity and equity work, but how can we measure it?
The Arts & Culture Funders Group provides a space for funders across the state to share projects, creative funding approaches, and opportunities to collaborate.
A five-part introductory series for those newer to philanthropy.
We’ll be joined during the first part of the time by Chunka Mui, a leadership and innovation strategist and futurist who spoke with our membership in 2020 about “The Laws of Zero” and “Making or Breaking our Fu
COFIE Meeting: Steering Committee Informational Session
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
The IT Roundtable is a peer-group for IT specialists, operations managers, technology directors, financial officers, CEOs, office managers, executive assistants, program officers, and anyone else with an interest in connecting with other foundatio
A five-part introductory series for those newer to philanthropy.