Effective immediately, The Colorado Trust is committing $250,000 in funding within Colorado to be used towards addressing anti-Black systemic racism.
Program areas for this funding will include:
Read moreEffective immediately, The Colorado Trust is committing $250,000 in funding within Colorado to be used towards addressing anti-Black systemic racism.
Program areas for this funding will include:
Read moreI don’t have adequate words to describe the state of our country right now. But I know I need to say something anyway. As soon as possible.
Read moreOn Saturday, May 30, 2020, at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM MT, The Colorado Music Relief Fund (CMRF) will launch with a virtual event, ‘Banding Together: A Concert for the Colorado Music Relief Fu
Read moreGates Family Foundation, Lyra Colorado, Empower Schools, RESCHOOL Colorado, the Donnell-Kay Foundation, Colorado Succeeds, and RootED have joined to create the COVID-19 Education Innovation Fund with a goal of promoting resilient education systems
Read moreIn partnership with ZOMA Foundation, Catena Foundation, and Gates Family Foundation, First Southwest Community Fund established a $3 million COVID-19 Rapid Response & Recovery Loan Fund to offer affordable loans to rural businesses and nonprof
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Read moreLance Cheslock, Executive Director of La Puente, has been featured in an article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. La Puente is based in Alamosa, a region that has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read moreSince 1980, the Council on Foundation's Grantmaker Salary and Benefits Survey has provided the sector with the most comprehensive data on staff composition and compensation in the United States.
Read moreAs Denver arts & culture organizations are hit with an unprecedented loss in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic, Bonfils-Stanton Foundation and The Denver Foundation have teamed up to create an emergency fund aimed at helping metro Denver
Read moreThe Community Foundation of the San Luis Valley in partnership with the First Southwest Community Fund created the SLV Response Fund to help local nonprofits in their efforts to serve the most vulnerable communities affected b
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