
The value of volunteer hours in Colorado is $31.51, exceeding the national average of $29.95 according to new research from Independent Sector. Volunteers make a critical contributions to their communities and generating a value for volunteer hours helps demonstrate the power of volunteering your time and talents. Read the Value of Volunteer Time 2022 report. Value of Volunteer Time Report The report is also a reminder to ensure those interested in volunteering can find your organization and opportunitites . Colorado Volunteer Sites: Spark the Change (includies youth and group opportunities...
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United Philanthropy Forum has released a new report, The COVID-19 Crucible , that documents the many extraordinary ways in which philanthropy-serving organizations responded to the pandemic and are adapting in a new landscape. The report looks back to detail how PSOs—the regional and national philanthropy associations and networks that comprise the Forum network—played numerous vital leadership roles in the philanthropy sector’s response to the pandemic. The report also looks forward to share lessons learned from PSO responses to the pandemic to help inform the sector when future crises...


Together We Protect – Colorado’s COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Fund – was a collaborative effort that provided support to organizations working in communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The goal of this effort was to ensure that people who face systemic barriers had culturally appropriate information about the COVID-19 vaccine and could easily access the vaccine. From April through November 2021, Together We Protect made 135 grant awards totaling $6.8 million to community-based organizations across Colorado. Initial estimates show that grantees’ outreach and education efforts on COVID...
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We provide space for our members to connect, learn and share together on how to effectively address racial equity in their work as philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs), and works to share our members’ learnings with the broader philanthropy field. As part of these efforts, we are pleased to share case stories from our members about their racial equity work.
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