The Colorado Trust is hiring 25 positions across the state in response to its new Community Partnerships strategy

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Colorado Trust is shifting the approach to its Community Partnerships strategy to one centered on community organizing. Community feedback and the strategy evaluation have indicated that the first 5 years of this strategy created capacity and built power, especially at the individual level. These learnings also indicated that it was necessary to evolve the strategy into one centered on collective power building, using defined cycles of planning and action rooted in longstanding community organizing principles.

The Trust believes this will result more explicitly in lasting, sustainable systemic change and improved health equity outcomes. This approach will allow The Colorado Trust to build community organizing capacity in clear, measurable and proven ways. It will allow resident teams to see wins from their efforts throughout the process and be able to take action on issues as they arise, in the way community organizing intends. When communities see and feel the fruits of even small labors, power is built and systems can begin to change. Click here to learn more about this transition in the Community Partnerships strategy.

As part of this shift in approach, The Colorado Trust is hiring for several new positions across the state. The map below shows the seven Community Partnerships regions, as well as communities in which the Trust is currently partnering with teams of residents. The deadline to apply for all of these positions is Monday, Sept. 7, 2020. For more information on these positions, please visit the Careers page of website.

Open Positions:

North/Northeast Colorado

Southeast Colorado

South Central Colorado

Southwest and West Central Colorado

Northwest Colorado

Colorado Springs and Surrounding Five Counties

Denver Metro

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